This article from Edudemic is great. The Teacher's Guide to Twitter is a long article filled with tips that covers everything from basic tips to how to use it with students. They provide a list of Twitter do's and don'ts, a guide to educational hashtags, and over a 100 tips and tools for networking, establishing authority, searching Twitter, organizational tools, and connecting with students.
I have to admit, I have violated a few of the Twitter guidelines they provide.
I violate "keep at it" all the time -- but in my mind, that only applies if you're coming from a PR perspective and trying to sell your brand.
ReplyDeleteI have to go create tweets, now! I violated "Create, don't just consume." Thanks to Twitter widgets, I can keep at it, though. :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a terrific article, thanks for sharing! I admit to remaining a Twitter novice, even as we have explored it this summer... but maybe this will help me get a bit more familiar!
ReplyDeleteI struggle with having thoughts to share that meet the character minimum, myself. It's why I don't have a lot of original tweets.